Category The Fight

A Husband’s View part 6

And here we go again. Anxiety, yet excitement can only describe the next to last chemo session. We are at number five on the morning of August 4th when we yet again make that journey to the clinic for Michelle…

A Husband’s View part 5

Six Chemo treatments. Six! That is how many Michelle would have to endure before her body could get a real break. I mean, Michelle did get a reprieve from the effects of chemo usually beginning the Sunday after each Monday…

A Husband’s View part 4

After returning home from the first morning of chemo, Michelle rested most of that afternoon. You really have no idea what your body has in store for you, especially after your first chemo treatment. So as a patient you tend…

A Husband’s View part 3

Fast forward to the morning of May 12, 2014. We have had several days to try and mentally prepare for this day. But how do you prepare yourselves for the thought of basically having poison pumped into your wife’s body…

A Husband’s View part 2

That weekend following Michelle’s breast biopsy proved to be anything but a time for rest. Most of this time was spent either still in shock, or just plain anger. I mean how could this be even happening to us? Aren’t…

A Husband’s View

This story is being told from a husband’s view. It was the morning of April 10, 2014. I am sitting nervously in the lobby of the doctor’s office, My wife, Michelle was in having a mammogram. We had been made…